March 24, 2020

Translating Health – Italian medical translators exceeding clients’ expectations

In our daily translation work at Translating Health, we often receive draft English texts, or documents that have not been finalised yet. So it is not unusual for us to spot errors and inaccuracies. As an integral part of our services, we regularly report these problems, with suggestions for improvement. Our clients appreciate this service very much.
March 1, 2020

Translating Health, a team of Italian medical translators

Translating Health is a team of 5 highly skilled Italian medical translators with almost 100 years' combined experience. We have diverse backgrounds, professional contacts and set of skills and we are highly educated and massively trained in both life sciences and languages, therefore we offer you top quality for your peace of mind.
February 26, 2020

Medical Devices – why Eudamed is important, for translators too

Medical translations of instructions for use aren’t easy. But Eudamed, the medical device database that will be created according to the (EU) Medical Devices Regulation (MDR 2017/745), will hopefully help clarify ambiguities and improve consistency.
March 24, 2020

Translating Health – Italian medical translators exceeding clients’ expectations

In our daily translation work at Translating Health, we often receive draft English texts, or documents that have not been finalised yet. So it is not unusual for us to spot errors and inaccuracies. As an integral part of our services, we regularly report these problems, with suggestions for improvement. Our clients appreciate this service very much.
March 1, 2020

Translating Health, a team of Italian medical translators

Translating Health is a team of 5 highly skilled Italian medical translators with almost 100 years' combined experience. We have diverse backgrounds, professional contacts and set of skills and we are highly educated and massively trained in both life sciences and languages, therefore we offer you top quality for your peace of mind.
February 26, 2020

Medical Devices – why Eudamed is important, for translators too

Medical translations of instructions for use aren’t easy. But Eudamed, the medical device database that will be created according to the (EU) Medical Devices Regulation (MDR 2017/745), will hopefully help clarify ambiguities and improve consistency.
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